HAM Radio 3.2
Ham Radio Version 3.2 (Chestnut CD-ROMs)(1993).ISO
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Text File
225 lines
>>>>>>> DEMO <<<<<<
The enclosed file serves no other purpose than demonstrate the
functional capabilities of the TS940CTL program available on various
BBS's. I have included a copy of the Documentation for TS940CTL and
all Copyright conditions apply to this DEMO as well as the TS940CTL
This DEMO does not require any connection to the transceiver
and is only a simulation of transceiver response. I have been able
to duplicate transceiver response in the software.
Although I have filled all memory channels in the program, you
may overwrite these frequencies to test the "writing to memory" capability
of the program. Of course, your changes will not be saved and when the
program is re-run, the programmed memory frequencies will reappear. I had
thought of writing the memory channels to a file to be loaded on re-run, but
since this is only a demonstration program, I did not go to that effort.
The author would appreciate any feedback as to problems that have
been experienced or suggestions for future changes.
73 Dick - VE3COO March 19, 1989
This program is being distributed as a freeware program for
private use only and is Copyright Protected. You are encouraged to
distribute these files to other interested amateurs under the
following conditions;
1) All files will be transferred intact without change.
May contain files TS940-1.EXE and TS940-2.EXE.)
2) No financial gain may be obtained through the use, sale
or distribution of this software.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
The commands are fairly clear in the menu portion of the screen.
The following is a more explicit description;
F1 - MEMORY - "F1" toggles the MEMORY function on and off. In this
mode, you are capable of writing the memory status to
a selected VFO by using "V".
F2 - SL.TUNE - "F2" allows you to set either the low or high side of the
IF Slope Tuning. This function will LOCK UP the
associated control on the transceiver. If the high side
has been engaged using this program, the low side control
will remain functional and vice versa. Of course if both
sides have been engaged using this program, then both
controls will be locked. You may return the controls to
normal function by using a control C (^C). The IF tuning
will be reset to its normal settings as well.
> F3 - M. CHNL+ - "F3" increases the MEMORY CHANNEL by one (1).
F4 - VBT - "F4" engages the Variable Band Tuning in the same fashion
as F2 for the Slope Tuning. The same control LOCK UP
applies in this function as well.
> F5 - M. BANK+ - "F5" increases the MEMORY BANK by one (1). The left
digit above the frequency is the Bank selected.
F6 - PG. SCAN - "F6" engages the Program Scan function. The transceiver
will scan between the frequencies in Memory Channels
9 and 0 in the current Memory Bank. Thus you have the
capabilities of 4 scan frequencies by changing the Memory
Bank. Keys are limited to F6 and F8 in this mode.
F7 - M. SCAN - "F7" toggles the MEMORY SCAN off and on. Only
F7 and F8 are functional during this function.
F8 - S. HOLD - "F8" will hold either the Memory Scan or Program Scan
functions. Hitting the key again will disable the function.
Disabling the scan function will also disable it.
F9 - M. WRITE - "F9" allows you to write directly to the transceivers
memory channels. You may select either the current
operating status or enter a new frequency and mode without
disturbing the current settings.
F10- SEND - "F10"; refer to "*".
">" denotes commands where repetative commands occur with continued key press.
V - VFO-B - "V" will toggle between VFO A and VFO B.
F - FREQUNCY - "F" will allow you to enter a frequency directly into
either VFO A or B. If the frequency is being entered
into the current VFO, you will be requested for the
MODE as well. "ESC" will leave the mode unchanged.
M - MODE - "M" allows you to change the mode (LSB, USB, etc) in the
current VFO ONLY.
A - ANT.TUNE - "A" turns on the Auto Antenna Tuner. Hitting "A"
again before the timer has ended the function will
terminate this operation.
SPECIAL NOTE: The Graphics Display does not represent a true indication
of the transceiver antenna tuning condition.
* - SEND - "*" will key up the transmitter (PTT). Using this key a
second time will return you to receive mode. F10 serves
the same function. This was to allow for right or left
handed operators to use this function while holding a
pencil in either hand. (At least on my keyboard)
R - RIT - "R" toggles the RIT on and off.
X - XIT - "X" toggles the XIT on and off.
L - F.LOCK - "L" toggles the F.LOCK on and off.
S - SPLIT - "S" toggles the SPLIT frequency operation on and off.
Q - QUIT - "Q" obviously terminates the program returning control
back to the transceiver if any controls have been locked
due to this programs operation.
If you have entered a command which requires information from the
operator, you may abort that operation with either the "ESC" or "ENTER"
key. If the input expected is one key stroke, the "ESC" may be used.
The system will reset after a 10 second wait with no key press. If more
than one key stroke is expected (eg. frequency, etc), the "ENTER" key with
no input will abort the operation. This input is not controlled by the
> RT - INC. - The right arrow key increases the VFO frequency by 10 cycles.
> LFT - DEC. - The left arrow key decreases the VFO frequency by 10 cycles.
SHIFT-ARROW KEY will increase or decrease the frequency by 100 cycles.
CONTROL-ARROW KEY will increase or decrease the frequency by 1 kHz.
> + and - keys will increase or decrease the frequency by 10 kHz.
> UP - INC. - The up arrow key increases the off set frequency.
> DWN - DEC. - The down arrow key decreases the off set frequency.
C - CLR. - Resets the off set frequency to "0.000".
During the frequency change operation, I have sacrificed screen
updating for speed. If an arrow key is held down, the screen will not
be updated until the key is released.
This program was written on and for the IBM XT and clones. It
requires the installation of the Kenwood Interface Kit IF-10B and a
TTL-RS232 converter such as Kenwood's IF-232C.
I might mention that I did experience considerable difficulty getting
the computer to recognize that the interface was connected. I received an
ERROR #24 DEVICE ERROR. I eventually shorted pins 6,8 and 20 on the
RS-232 cable at the computer end and that solved the problem.
****** WARNING ******
I have tested this program using DoubleDos using 128K of upper
memory. I feel you should be made aware of the following experience;
1) By design, this program locks out the keyboard during times when
keyboard input is undesirable. In Dbl-Dos the keyboard buffer
remains active and at points where I have stripped the buffer,
this operation does not appear to be effective in Dbl-Dos.
Using the arrow keys in repetative mode will store the keyboard
activity in the buffer. (i.e. the frequency shift will continue
long after the key has been released).
2) Also, when you terminate the program using the "Q" command, it
appears Dbl-Dos is leaving the system in a locked up state. I
feel the keyboard lockout, as described above, is the root of
the problem. With a little effort (hitting different keys), I
was able to regain system control.
I have tested this program using Turbo mode (8Mhz) and normal mode
(4.77 Mhz). It appears to be working correctly in both although the speed
is conciderably slower in the normal mode. If anyone has any problems or
suggestions for improvement, please let me know so that may use the
information in any future updates. I would appreciate any feed back. I
can be reached;
via Packet Radio VE3COO @ VE3NUU
or by mail Richard (Dick) Tunks VE3COO
1220 Falgarwood Dr.
Oakville, Ontario
L 6 H 2 L 3
(C) 1989-VE3COO March 19, 1989